Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
www.fau.deLehrstuhl für Elektrische Energietechnik,
Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik,
Technische Fakultät,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The Chair of Energy Electronics specializes in research on power electronics for electrical power supply. Among the application fields are stationary, decentral electrical grids with a focus on the evolving DC grids. Mobile applications under investigation include grids for battery (hybrid) electric vehicles, marine vessels, railway and aircraft. The chair has key competencies in the development of compact and lightweight power electronics for the aforementioned applications.
Lehrstuhl für Photonische Technologien (LPT),
Department Maschinenbau,
Technische Fakultät,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
The LPT is an institute of the department of mechanical engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and is developing and optimizing processes that use light as a tool for different tasks. The working field is not only laser-based manufacturing technologies but the application of light as well in medical diagnostics and therapeutics. Ultrafast laser technologies are another focus of the institute’s research activities. Furthermore, the researchers at the LPT are developing capable simulation methods which contribute to an in-depth understanding of laser based manufacturing processes. In order to ensure good machining quality there is also a development of real-time sensing and control systems for various laser processes.