Reboocon Bionics
www.rbionics.comReboocon Bionics B.V. (Rbionics) is a young and innovative company based in Delft, the Netherlands. Rbionics is specialized in motion control and wearable robot technologies. Rbionics develops general-purpose motion controllers with high power (>2kW@48V) and high current (50A peak) output in a match box size (50x50x18mm). Out of the box, the controller has 3 abs-encoder interfaces, High resolution ADC, EtherCAT, Bluetooth and a lot more. High power/current density and the extra interfaces are critical requirements for researchers or engineers who are working in the field of humanoid robots, collaborative robots, prostheses, and/or exoskeletons. Based on this technology, Rbionics also developed a powered knee prosthesis for transfemoral amputees and exoskeletons for stroke and SCI individuals.