www.presys.krPRESYS was established back in 1994. Since established, PRESYS has been providing many solutions to the customers. It is committed to providing the best reliable quality to the customers, adopting and implementing global quality standard like ISO9001, 14001, and OHSAS18001. PRESYS is providing solutions in Semiconductor, LED, Aerospace, and Nuclear Power industries. About 95 patents are renewed this year. Based on these live patents, PRESYS provides solid engineering design to the customer’s specialized requests and needs. Company identities are creativity and customization. In order to realize them, under 500 class clean rooms were built and is in service for product assembling and reliability test. Back in 2014, PRESYS was designated as a primary training center for the biggest chip maker in Korea. Since then, it has been involved in the training program to foster a specialist for the product. PRESYS is implementing Advanced Product Quality Planning, Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, and Measurement System Analysis.