University of Oviedo
www.uniovi.esElectrical, Electronic, Computer and Systems Engineering Department,
University of Oviedo
The University of Oviedo (Universidad de Oviedo) is a public Higher research and education institution located in Asturias (Spain). Its Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Systems Engineering Department (DIEECS) teaches in several centres of the University of Oviedo. Most of the teaching work is carried out in the Grades of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón, and especially in four of them: Degree in Industrial Electronic and Automatic Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering, Degree in Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies and Services, Degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies. DIEECS professors participate in several Master's and Doctoral Programs and carry out research in almost all fields of electrical engineering, from digital electronics, systems theory, electrical machines, communications, control systems, bioengineering, microelectronics, signal processing, power generation and transport, robotics, power electronics, embedded systems, etc.