Chung-Nam National University
www.cnu.ac.krSystem Software Laboratory,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
College of Engineering,
Chung-Nam National University
The Professor in charge of System Software Laboratory is Cheol-Hoon Lee. He graduated from Seoul National University and received his master's degree and doctoral degree in computer science from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of KAIST. He worked as a researcher at Samsung Electronics and worked as a researcher and professor at the University of Michigan. He is currently a professor of computer engineering at Chung-Nam National University.
The System Software Laboratory is a laboratory that studies operating systems. Among OSs, it studies RTOS, Secure OS, Fault Tolerance OS, Low Power System and it also studies hardware to understand OS. The laboratory has its own RTOS and implantable real-time kernel technology, and it is studying technology that combines its technology with EtherCAT.