Balteau NDT
www.balteau-ndt.comBalteau NDT is a company based and established in Belgium since 1906. The activity of the power transformers successfully turned into the X-ray business in 1936. Balteau has affirmed its leadership leading the technology and setting the foundation of modern X-ray technologies. The first company to reach 200, 300 and 400 kV in the past and has today brought to the industry new standards that are consciously Safety oriented. Balteau has a very long established network in more than 40 countries, some of its agencies are of second generation proving they rely on the quality of our products. Balteau has produced more than 15.000 generators spread in more than 105 countries. Balteau has 5 ranges of products and is the only manufacturer in the world to provide from portable generators to Real Time Systems built into the same factory.