Missing Link Electronics
www.missinglinkelectronics.comMissing Link Electroncs (MLE) is a Silicon Valley based technology company with offices in Germany. It is partner to leading electronic device and solution providers and have been enabling key innovators in the automotive, defense, industrial, medical, test & measurement markets with FPGA-based subsystems and systems. Its mission is to develop, support and market Domain-Specific Architectures for High-Performance Compute and Embedded Systems by accelerating and offloading open-source (Linux) software with FPGA. Its expertise is “packets” which means Data-in-Motion systems with high-speed I/O connectivity and acceleration of data communication protocols as they are, for example, used in networking, storage and audio/video processing. MLE has been opening up FPGA technology for high-speed analog applications, and has been driving the integration and optimization of Open Source Linux and Android software stacks on modern heterogeneous processing architectures. This is complemented by expertise in Functional Safety and Security / Trusted Execution (OP-TEE).