Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
www.fzu.czELI Beamlines Project Division,
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
The ELI Beamlines Project Division is in charge of the implementation of ELI Beamlines - the largest research project in the history of The Czech Republic. The Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences in The Czech Republic acts as the coordinator of the ELI Project and applied for a structural funds grant from the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation. ELI-Beamlines is a laser facility that aims to host the most intense beamline system world-wide with lasers which will provide ultra-short pulses of a few femtoseconds (10-15 fs) duration , give performance up to 10 PW and make them available to the international scientific user community. It will be the world's biggest and first international user facility for laser research. The facility in The Czech Republic will contain four different lasers of different powers and repetition rates for use in various research areas such as medical and material science, exotic physics and particle acceleration.
HiLASE Centre,
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
The HiLASE Center is a part of the Institute of Physics, the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The present research programme of the Institute comprises five branches of physics: particle physics, the physics of condensed matter, solid state physics, optics and plasma physics. HiLASE means: unique combination of experimental laser development & advanced laser applications, all under one roof; cutting-edge lasers with breakthrough parameters; new generation of diode-pumped lasers with high average power and high repetition rate; development of innovative laser technologies beneficial to society & industry; opportunity for talented researchers from the Czech Republic and abroad.www.hilase.cz