Kyungpook National University
www.knu.ac.krDependable Embedded Control Systems (DECS),
School of Electrical Engineering,
Kyungpook National University
The primary goal of the Dependable Embedded Control Systems (DECS) Lab is the development of dependable control system technologies for networked safety-critical embedded systems. Its main research interests are: (a) highly reliable communication networks; (b) local diagnosis and compensation for smart electric motors; (c) fault tolerant control through controller reconfiguration; and (d) fault-tolerant system architectures with a focus on the safety of service robots. The research outcome is then being tested and verified with various safety-critical applications including submarine systems, ‘x-by-wire’ cars, and ship-building robots.
Field Robotics Laboratory,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
Kyungpook National University
Field Robotics Laboratory (FRL) at Kyungpook National University in South Korea is aimed to contribute the development of the cutting-edge robotics researches. Since 2016, the FRL has experienced to develop a variety of robotics system: the adulted-sized autonomous skiing humanoids with the Linear Series Elastic Actuator, Autonomous Firefighting Robot, educational mobile robots and new swarm-legged robots. Furthermore, the lab is also specialized in a mechanical design, manufacturing, and software architecture, related to robots.