Chinese Academy of Sciences, IMP
www.impcas.ac.cnInstitute of Modern Physics (IMP),
Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was founded in l957. IMP operates the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), which consists of the Sector Focusing Cyclotron, the Separated Sector Cyclotron, the Cooler Storage Ring (CSR), and a number of experimental terminals. After a half century of development, IMP has become the most important research center for heavy ion sciences in China. IMP has established active and fruitful collaboration with more than 40 institutions worldwide. IMP cooperates with Lanzhou KejinTaiji Corp.Ltd, a company of IMP absolute holding, to develop the hospital-based heavy ion tumor therapy facility, IMP has signed two contracts for the demo HIMM (Heavy-Ion-Medical-Machine) in 2012, one is located at Wuwei, the other is situated at Lanzhou. Based upon the progress achieved in first two steps, a small-size HIMM has been designed. The related key techniques have been developed, and until now 64 patents have been granted.