OTH Regensburg
www.oth-regensburg.deRegensburg Robotics Research Unit,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
OTH Regensburg
The Regensburg Robotics Research Unit (RRRU) conducts research and development work with the focus on the design, control and upgrading of robot systems for new innovative applications. Its work on internal and external projects with partners from industry and other research institutes creates an excellent combination of teaching and research. The RRRU offers comprehensive mechanical engineering skills for the mechanical design of motion systems, systems engineering skills for developing multi-sensory feed-forward and feedback control systems as well as extensive IT skills used to realise innovative human-machine interaction. Innovative robot systems are designed and developed using the latest CAE software. Planning and simulation in CAD and multi-body simulation programs, Rapid Control Prototyping based on modular software structures with HiL/SiL testing through to automatic real-time code generating all make for an end-to-end development process.