ETG News 2017

ETG celebrates 10 years in the US, China and South Korea
11/2017 | This year three out of the five EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) offices celebrated their 10th anniversary. In 2007 the ETG, with global headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, had just reached the milestone of 500 member companies and decided to expand the organization’s international presence. The ETG office in Yokohama, Japan had already been founded in 2006. The next step was to open up offices in the US, China and South Korea in order to best support the local ETG member companies.The international ETG offices have responsibilities that range from technical support to marketing. Events such as educational industrial Ethernet seminars and Plug Fests are coordinated locally and developed according to each region’s needs. Participation in trade shows is also organized by the respective office. Furthermore, these offices support the local ETG member companies with the application and implementation of EtherCAT technology. By statute, ETG members must be businesses or institutes, not private individuals.

ETG celebrates record year of events
11/2017 | We have seen a record year in 2017 – not only regarding the amount of seminars held, but also the number of countries in which they took place.In 2012, ten countries were covered and the tally for this year has grown to 22 nations. With almost two seminars per country, the total number of events has reached 39, which is also a new record. Nine of this year’s host countries saw their first ever EtherCAT Industrial Ethernet seminar, namely Russia, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia.

ETG supplements EtherCAT Standard with TSN for use in heterogeneous networks
11/2017 | We have supplemented EtherCAT with Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) technologies, expanding the field of possible EtherCAT applications to include heterogeneous network environments. With the help of TSN, industrial controls can contact a number of different EtherCAT segments in real-time through Ethernet networks. In doing so, no changes to the EtherCAT slave devices are required: the EtherCAT Device Protocol, including all high performance characteristics, is fully preserved. Also expanded by TSN is the EtherCAT Automation Protocol (EAP) for communication between controls, which will result in even more deterministic performance on this level.
2017 EtherCAT Seminar Series UK
11/2017 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet and especially EtherCAT to participate in our free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet Seminar Series in UK, taking place in Bristol (December, 5) and Sheffield (December, 6).Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks.
Expert's presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group and local application examples as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT for you and your application, especially in the context of Industry 4.0 and IoT. Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, TSN, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well.
These seminars are supported by BECKHOFF Automation. The links to the agenda, further information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge. Download your personal invitation here and register online already today!

SPS IPC Drives: ETG Joint Booth
11/2017 | From Nov 28th to Nov 30th, 2017, we will exhibit at this year’s SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg, Germany. Together with 60+ co-exhibitors we’ll show the latest products and solutions with EtherCAT at our ETG Joint Booth in Hall 2, Booth 639.For easy navigation on our booth the products are categorized into Control Systems, Development, Drive Technology, I/O & Gateways, Sensors & Actuators, Functional Safety as well as EtherCAT P Products. Visitors can explore technical details and further information about the individual products via the interactive touch panels on each product wall. Furthermore, we’ll exhibit multi-vendor product presentations and live demonstrations to show the various beneficial features of EtherCAT. Again, there will be our well-known multi axis presenter demonstrating how 35 axes of 24 different vendors are controlled at the same time in only one network. Updated information walls about EtherCAT P, Safety over EtherCAT, EtherCAT device development as well as TSN round off our versatile tradeshow program. The EtherCAT experts together with our co-exhibitors’ booth personnel will be available for technical discussions and questions about EtherCAT during the whole tradeshow. We’re looking forward to meeting you at our ETG Joint Booth (Hall 2/639) in Nuremberg!
Register online for your free entry ticket now!
ETG Company Profile @ SPS IPC Drives

ETG @ System Control Fair 2017
10/2017 | Together with about 35 member companies ETG will exhibit again at this year’s SCF – System Control Fair 2017 from Nov 29 to Dec 1, taking place at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan.At the tradeshow booth our Japanese ETG team will show and introduce the EtherCAT technology with an impressive variety of EtherCAT products available in Japan from varios (local) vendors. In addition to the daily tradeshow program on booth there will be a lecture “EtherCAT” on Nov 30, 2017, also conducted by the ETG Team Japan.
We’re looking forward meeting you at our tradeshow booth at SCF 2017.

ETG @ IAS 2015
10/2017 | At this year’s Industrial Automation Show (IAS) in Shanghai, China, our Chinese team will represent EtherCAT technology together with various co-exhibitors and more than 60 different EtherCAT products at our ETG Joint Booth.Just like in other parts of the world, Industrie 4.0 and the IoT are still hot topcis in China, too, and the actual developments regarding these topics can be discussed during the Shanghai event from November 7-11. Besides other highlights, ETG Office China celebrates its 10 year anniversary.
We’re looking forward meeting you at our tradeshow booth in Hall 6.1, E119.

2017 Korea EtherCAT Roadshow
10/2017 | We take pleasure in inviting everybody interested in the free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet Seminar Series, taking place at selected premium venues in Korea on November 8th (Seoul) and November 10th (Gwangju).Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, several application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industry 4.0 for you and your application! This seminar series is supported by ACONTIS technologies, ADLINK, BECKHOFF Automation, INFINEON, HMS, KOSHIDA KOREA, MEC, RENESAS, PARKER HANNIFIN and TRi-TEK.
The links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge. Download your personal invitation here and register online already today!

Further EtherCAT Seminars in China
10/2017 | The EtherCAT roadshow continues with a free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet / EtherCAT seminar on November 15, 2017, in Beijing, China.Explore and understand EtherCAT technology and learn about the benefits and the challenges of Industrial Ethernet, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0, IoT and TSN. This seminar is an educational event delivered by EtherCAT professionals. Talk with the experts face-to-face, discover the product demonstrations from the co-sponsoring ETG companies and see how EtherCAT can accelerate your application! If you are a machine builder, OEM or system integrator, you are cordially invited to join us for a seminar in Beijing on November 15.
Participation is free of charge and online registration available, now.
Invitation Flyer
Agenda & Venue
Online Registration

EtherCAT Roadshow South America in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia
08/2017 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet and especially EtherCAT to participate at the inaugural EtherCAT seminar series in South America taking place in Lima, Peru (Oct 12), Quito, Ecuador (Oct 17), as well as in Medellin and Bogotá, Colombia (Oct 19-20) this year.All of these free-of-charge events offer an exclusive opportunity to get access to EtherCAT technology in the South American market. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with EtherCAT experts provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrial Ethernet for you and your application! These events are supported by Beckhoff Automation, TECHPRO (Peru), TCS INDUSTRIAL (Ecuador), Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) and SENTRONIC (Colombia).
The links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration form can be found below (in Spanish language only). Participation is free of charge. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.
You may download your personal invitation as well and forward this to your local colleagues, partners and customers:
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Perú (PDF)
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Ecuador (PDF)
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Colombia (PDF)

EtherCAT Roadshow China 2017 continues
07/2017 |Our EtherCAT roadshow continues with a free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet / EtherCAT seminar on September 12 in Shanghai, China.
Explore and understand EtherCAT technology and learn about the benefits and the challenges of Industrial Ethernet, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0, IoT and TSN. This seminar is an educational event delivered by EtherCAT professionals. Talk with the experts face-to-face, discover the product demonstrations from the co-sponsoring ETG companies and see how EtherCAT can accelerate your application! If you are a machine builder, OEM or system integrator, you are cordially invited to join us for a seminar in Shanghai and further locations troughout China in 2017, e.g. Beijing on November 15.

EtherCAT Technology Group honors member no. 500 in Japan
07/2017 | In the frame of this year’s ETG Member Meeting the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) honored member company no. 500 in Japan, recently. During the meeting at the beginning of July the organization honored the company SURUGA SEIKI CO., LTD., a leading provider of optical test and measurement systems. With SURUGA SEIKI joining the association the ETG reached two membership milestones in rapid succession: not long ago, the ETG welcomed member no. 2000 in Europe.
First-time EtherCAT Roadshow Russia
07/2017 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0 & IoT and especially EtherCAT to participate at the inaugural EtherCAT seminars in Russia 2017, taking place in Moscow (Sep 13) and in Saint Petersburg (Sep 14).Both full-day and free-of-charge events offer an exclusive opportunity to get access to EtherCAT technology in the Russian market. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with EtherCAT experts provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! These events are supported by Beckhoff Automation Russia. Please note that seminar website as well as invitation are available in Russian language only. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.
Please find the official invitation below:
Invitation EtherCAT Russia 2017 (PDF)
Please find the detailed seminar website, incl. agenda, location and online registration form here:
ETG congratulates Emirates Team New Zealand for winning the America’s Cup 2017
06/2017 | The world’s largest fieldbus user organization, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG), congratulates its member Emirates Team New Zealand for winning the America’s Cup – the oldest and most prestigious trophy in international sport.With a 7-1 scoreline the New Zealanders dominated the final stage of the Cup on the Great Sound in Bermuda. The high-tech America’s Cup Class (ACC) catamarans used for the exciting match races employ sophisticated hydraulics to control the wing sail and the hydrofoils. Super-fast and reliable bus communication is a key element of the hydraulic control system, and the EtherCAT Technology Group is thrilled that its technology has been of help for taking the Cup back to the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron in Auckland.
Emirates Team New Zealand is a high-technology yachting team whose challenge for the 34th America’s Cup in Bermuda in 2017 involved the world’s most technical racing yachts that travel more than 60km/h. For New Zealanders, their team and the America’s Cup came to typify many of the nation’s values – a can-do attitude, teamwork, tagging on the big guy accepting a challenge and striving for excellence.

SPS Italia 2017: Visit us!
05/2017 | Our Italian EtherCAT expert will be available at the SPS Italia 2017 from May 23-25 to discuss depth technical aspects of the EtherCAT technology and provide the latest news from the EtherCAT world. You can find us in hall 5-002 at the Quartiere Fieristico in Parma.At the ETG info booth we show besides various EtherCAT development producst, the concept of Industrie 4.0 via OPC UA and the EtherCAT P technology for transmitting signals and pwoer using a single cable. In addition there will be the Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) application with functional safety devices as well as the well-known EtherCAT performance demo with a cycle time of 12.5 us.
Stop by our booth or make an appointment in advance. We are awaiting you in Parma!

EtherCAT Roadshow China 2017
05/2017 | Our EtherCAT Roadshow continues with free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet / EtherCAT seminars on June 6 (Shenzhen) and June 9 (Chengdu).Explore and understand EtherCAT technology and learn about the benefits and the challenges of Industrial Ethernet, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0, IoT and TSN. This seminar is an educational event delivered by EtherCAT professionals. Talk with the experts face-to-face, discover the product demonstrations from the co-sponsoring ETG companies and see how EtherCAT can accelerate your application! If you are a machine builder, OEM or system integrator, you are cordially invited to join us for a seminar in Shenzhen, Chengdu and other various locations troughout China in 2017.
Invitation Flyer
Agenda & Venues
Online Registration

ETG @ Industrial Automation Beijing
04/2017 | From May 10- 12, ETG is attending the Industrial Automation Beijing tradeshow (IA Beijing) in China. We sincerely invite everybody to visit the ETG joint booth in hall 1-20.Nearly 20 exhibitors from China and abroad will show more than 40 different EtherCAT master and slave devices and solutions at the booth. Besides the product display inform yourself about hot topics like Industrie 4.0, the latest technology enhancement EtherCAT P (power and communication combined) and EtherCAT in general. Talk with local EtherCAT experts face-to-face to discuss how EtherCAT can accelerate your application! Please contact our ETG Office China if you like to make an appointment in advance.
Industrial Automation Beijing

EtherCAT: Staying ahead with Industrie 4.0 and IoT developments
04/2017 | There is nothing new about the suitability of EtherCAT when enabling the concepts of Industrie 4.0. The technology has, by design, all the tools necessary to support the digital transformation. As the world’s largest fieldbus user organisation, the ETG strives to be actively involved in the developments surrounding Industrie 4.0 and IoT.The success of EtherCAT has always been based on the outstanding characteristics of the technology, including exceptional performance, high flexibility and open interfaces. As a result, EtherCAT is inherently well-suited to meet and exceed the requirements of the digital transformation. Thus, the leading performance of the technology achieves an important prerequisite for adding big data applications to control networks. In addition, the high flexibility of EtherCAT makes it possible to establish cloud connectivity in existing systems without having to alter the control system or manually update the slave devices. The open interfaces permit the easy integration of any IT-based protocol within the master or directly into the slave devices. Ultimately, this enables direct connection from the sensor to the cloud without protocol discontinuities.
The fact that all of these properties were already part of the technology from the outset highlights the long-term sustainability of the EtherCAT architecture. Should further features become relevant in the course of development, these can be easily integrated without changing the basic protocol: EtherCAT has been and remains stable as version 1 since its introduction in 2003.
The ETG has also contributed to the development of TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) from the very beginning. Years ago, when TSN was still known as AVB, EtherCAT experts were already actively involved in the TSN working group within IEEE 802.1. This was logical considering that EtherCAT, due to its unique functional principle, provides leaner and faster access from controls – including those based in the cloud – to networks on EtherCAT slaves when compared with any other fieldbus or industrial Ethernet technology.

EtherCAT Roadshow Slovenia & Croatia 2017
04/2017 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0, IoT and especially EtherCAT to participate at the inaugural EtherCAT seminars in Slovenia, taking place in Ljubljana on May 9th and in Croatia, taking place in Zagreb on May 10th.The both full-day and free-of-charge events offer a unique chance to get access to EtherCAT technology in your local market. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well. These events are supported by BECKHOFF Automation and Krovel.
The links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration can be found below.

EtherCAT Roadshow Malaysia 2017
04/2017 | ETG is presenting a full-day and free-of-charge EtherCAT seminar series in Malaysia again, taking place on May 16th (Penang) and May 17th (Kuala Lumpur).These full-day and free of charge seminars offer an exclusive chance to get access to EtherCAT technology in Malaysia. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well. This roadshow is supported by Beckhoff Automation, Bosch Rexroth and Festo.
Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.

EtherCAT Roadshow Norway 2017
04/2017 | We take pleasure in inviting everybody interested in the free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet Seminar Series, taking place at selected premium venues in Norway on May 9th (Trondheim) and May 10th (Tønsberg).Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks.
Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industry 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well. This roadshow series is supported by BECKHOFF Automation and OMRON.
The links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.

ETG @ Hannover Messe 2017
04/2017 | At Hannover Messe 2017 we present EtherCAT technology together with 63 co-exhibitors in hall 9, stand D18. Our ETG Joint Booth impresses with more than 400 products and solutions with EtherCAT.To simplify the navigation through the great product variety we categorize the products in Control Systems, Development Products, Drive Technology, I/O and Gateway as well as Sensors & Actuators. Via the wall-mounted touchpanels visitors can access technical details and information about the individual products and devices. Furthermore, the panels contain comprehensive background material about ETG and the co-exhibitors, but also about the different beneficial features of EtherCAT technology as well as its use in practice. Highlight topics will be Industrie 4.0 and EtherCAT P. Our visitors are welcome to inform themselves at our stand – whether via the information on the walls or during a personal chat with our experts on-site. Visit us in hall 9, stand D18. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

EtherCAT Roadshow Finland 2017
03/2017 | ETG is presenting a full-day and free-of-charge EtherCAT seminar series in Finland, taking place March 22 (Tampere) and March 23 (Hyvinkää).Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well. Register online soon via the following link, as the number of seats is limited.
Invitation Flyer
Agenda & Venues
Online Registration

EtherCAT Roadshow Denmark 2017
03/2017 | These half-day and free of charge morning events in Denmark on March 28 (Århus) and March 29 (Copenhagen) are a great chance to learn about EtherCAT and EtherCAT P, Industrie 4.0 and the challenges of Industrial Ethernet.Thus ETG and the supporting companies Beckhoff Automation, EBV Elektronik, HMS Industrial Networks, Omron Electronics and Trio Motion Technology would like to invite you to participate in the 2017 EtherCAT Seminar Series Denmark. Experts' presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group and time for on-site networking and discussion with the supporting ETG member companies provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT for you and your application. Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well. Register soon, as the number of seats is limited. The agenda, further detailed information and the online registration can be found on the following links.
Invitiation Flyer
Online Registration Form

03/2017 | ETG Office Japan invites everybody to visit the EtherCAT booth at this year's Techno-Frontier exhibition show, taking place from April 19-21, in Chiba, Japan.In addition to the booth in hall 4B-46, where the EtherCAT technology, latest products and solutions are presented, there will be a presentation "Introduction of EtherCAT trends and cost savings with EtherCAT P" on Thursday, April 20 at 14.30. We look forward meeting you there.

EtherCAT Roadshow Sweden 2017
03/2017 | We cordially invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0, IoT and especially EtherCAT, to participate a the EtherCAT Seminar in Sweden, taking place March 30, in Gotenburg.The full-day and free of charge event is a great chance to get access to EtherCAT technology in Sweden. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well. Register soon, as the number of seats is limited!
This seminar is supported by Beckhoff Automation, HMS Industrial Networks, rt-labs, Omron Electronics, STÖBER and Trio Motion Technology.
Invitation Flyer
Online Registration

ETG @ embedded world 2017
03/2017 | All those who want to learn more about EtherCAT as industrial Ethernet technology for embedded systems are invited to visit our booth in hall 3A, booth 217 at this year’s edition of the embedded world tradeshow in Nuremberg, Germany.With the slogan “EtherCAT – Best Fit for Embedded Systems” we present the EtherCAT technology at our freshly designed, resized tradeshow booth. Besides an embedded systems live demo our guests can look forward to the great development product variety shown on booth.
Due to its system features EtherCAT is suited perfectly for the embedded market. The technology doesn’t need any switches or hubs and is the only hard real-time capable industrial Ethernet technology which doesn’t require special hardware in the master. Additionally, the gros of the slave connection is integrated in cost-effective chips instead of stacks which walso makes the slave implementation very simple.
The EtherCAT experts on-site are looking forward to discuss questions about the technology and the special requirements in the field of embedded systems with all visitors.
Please be aware about our changed booth location: This year you’ll find us in hall 3A, stand 217

EtherCAT Roadshow Italy 2017
03/2017 | We like to invite everybody to register for our EtherCAT seminar series in Italy 2017, taking place in Milano (Mar 28), Padova (Mar 29) and Bologna (Mar 30).The full-day and free of charge event is a great chance to get access to EtherCAT technology in Italy. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industry 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Integrated Safety, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well.
Main target group: End users, machine builders, OEMs, system integrators, decision makers, product manager and application engineers.
These seminars are supported by ASEM, Beckhoff Automation, CODESYS, ESA Automation, Hilscher Italia, HMS Industrial Networks, LSIS (Servotecnica), LTI Motion, SEW-EURODRIVE and TELESTAR.
Please check out the agenda, venue details and register online for free:

EtherCAT Diagnosis for Users
02/2017 | The slide set "EtherCAT Diagnosis for Users" intends to provide an overview over the diagnostic capabilities provided by EtherCAT. It contains a description of the basic diagnosis functionalities and the most typical error scenarios within an EtherCAT network.It is primarily intended for end users and plant operators, as well as for machine builders and system integrators.
For additional information about EtherCAT diagnostics – including more detailed error scenarios – which could be of interest for EtherCAT master and slave manufacturers, please refer to slide set “EtherCAT Diagnosis For Developers” (available for ETG members only).
EtherCAT Diagnosis for Developers

ETG @ SIAF Tradeshow China
02/2017 | From March 1-3, ETG is attending the largest industrial automation tradeshow (SIAF) in Guangzhou, South China.Please visit us in Hall 3.1, booth F23 to inform yourself about hot topics like Industrie 4.0 and the communication technology EtherCAT. In addition, a wide range of EtherCAT products is displayed. Talk with local EtherCAT experts face-to-face to discuss how EtherCAT can accelerate your application! Please contact our ETG Office China if you like to make an appointment in advance.

ITmedia Virtual EXPO 2017
02/2017 | This online "virtual event" is organized by ITmedia which is one of the Japanese major media for Industrial communication. Representatives of three technologies that have a high presence in the world, such as EtherCAT, will appeal the trends of smart factory and the strengths of self-standards within it. Attention is paid to the way of thinking about cooperation to realize "connecting factory". ETG Office Japan representative Mr. Masanori Obata is nominated as one of key person for smart factory and open network in Japan to discuss, suggest and argue with other representatives from Industrial Ethernet organisations.

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