ETG News 2019

EtherCAT G wins CMCD 2019 New Age Bus Technology Innovation Award
12/2019 | In December 2019, the 2020 Intelligent Manufacturing & China Motion Control / Direct Drive Industry Development Summit Forum and Award Ceremony was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, organized by the China Transmission Network and the China Motion Control Industry Alliance. EtherCAT G, which has been widely recognized by the industry for its innovation in motion control, won the CMCD 2019 New Age Bus Technology Innovation Award at the event.
ETG experiences continued growth through outstanding technology and comprehensive support
11/2019 | Just in time for this year's SPS exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) has once again taken stock of its membership growth, which is again convincing in 2019. This is, of course, largely due to the quality of the EtherCAT technology itself, but also to a high extent to the comprehensive range of support and information available, which the members of the world's largest fieldbus user organization can access without restriction.For an individual view on ETG membership development in China please see here (Chinese only).

Visit us at SPS 2019: ETG Joint Booth
11/2019 | From Nov 26th to Nov 28th, 2019, we will exhibit again at this years SPS fair in Nuremberg, Germany. Together with 55 co-exhibitors, we’ll show more than 550 products and solutions with EtherCAT at our ETG Joint Booth in Hall 5, Booth 310.A brand-new live demo showing EtherCAT G + G10, the latest technology enhancement, will be one of the ETG booth highlights this year. Further active demonstrations about TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), EtherCAT P, the master-independent diagnosis interface, Safety over EtherCAT as well as EtherCAT device development round off our versatile tradeshow program. For easy navigation on our booth, the products are categorized again into control systems, development, drive technology, I/O & gateways, sensors & actuators, functional safety as well as EtherCAT P products. Visitors can explore technical details and further information about the individual products via the interactive touch panels on each product wall. Furthermore, we’ll show the various beneficial features of EtherCAT. The EtherCAT experts together with our co-exhibitors’ booth personnel will be available for technical discussions and questions about EtherCAT during the whole fair. We are looking forward to meeting you at our ETG Joint Booth (Hall 5/310) in Nuremberg!
ETG Joint Booth @ SPS 2019
EtherCAT Product Selection @ SPS 2019

EtherCAT Seminar Korea 2019
11/2019 | We cordially invite all interested parties to attend our EtherCAT seminar in Seoul on Tuesday, December 10th, 2019.This free full-day event is a great opportunity to learn all about EtherCAT technology. Expert lectures by the EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations, the accompanying table top exhibition and sufficient time for face-to-face discussions provide a complete overview of the advantages and challenges of Industrial Ethernet and Industry 4.0 and IoT for you and your application in Korea! This event will be supported by Beckhoff Automation Korea, DAINCUBE, Elmo Motion Control, MKS Korea, PRESTOSOLUTION and Weidmuller Korea.
For more details please follow the link and register soon as the number of seats is limited.
Seminar Website, incl. Agenda, Speaker, Online Registration
Invitation (PDF)

El Grupo Tecnológico EtherCAT apoya oficialmente a EtherCAT G
10/2019 | El Comité Técnico del Grupo Tecnológico EtherCAT (ETG) ha aceptado EtherCAT G como una adición al estándar EtherCAT. En el futuro, EtherCAT G, que amplía la tecnología EtherCAT a 1 y 10 Gb/s, respectivamente, contará con el apoyo y la promoción de la ETG.
EtherCAT Roadshow Russia 2019
10/2019 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0, IoT and especially EtherCAT to participate at our EtherCAT seminars in Russia 2019, taking place in Moscow (Nov 12) and Novosibirsk (Nov 14).Both full-day and free-of-charge events offer an exclusive opportunity to get access to EtherCAT technology in the Russian market. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with EtherCAT experts provide you with a complete overview on benefits of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! These events are supported by Beckhoff Automation Russia. Please note that seminar website, as well as an invitation, are available in Russian language only.
Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.
Seminar Website, incl. Agenda, Speaker, Online Registration
Invitation (PDF)

EtherCAT Information Day Seminars in North America
10/2019 | We are inviting everybody interested to the free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet seminar series, continuing at selected premium venues in Salt Lake City, UT (Nov 5), St. Louis, MO (Nov 7) and Mississauga, ON (Nov 21).Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT, in particular, are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional Fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new Fieldbus technologies are appearing that promise to provide higher performance and more support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next-generation networks. EtherCAT is advancing its technology with EtherCAT G. TSN is maturing and EtherCAT is already adapted to support the future of this technology.
To provide a better understanding of these topics, EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) will present an informative series of EtherCAT Information Days seminars throughout the United States and Canada. These full-day educational events are free of charge and a great chance to get access to EtherCAT technology.
Seminar Website, incl. Agenda, Speaker, Online Registration
Invitation (PDF)

EtherCAT Seminar Finland (Nov 5, 2019)
10/2019 | ETG will visit Finland again with an exclusive and free-of-charge, half-day morning EtherCAT seminar on Tuesday, Nov 5, in conjunction with the Teknologia19 fair in Helsinki.Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT, in particular, are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional Fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new Fieldbus technologies are appearing that promise to provide higher performance and more support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next-generation networks. EtherCAT is advancing its technology with EtherCAT G and EtherCAT G10. TSN is maturing and EtherCAT is already adapted to support the future of this technology.
To provide a better understanding of these topics and to show you the adoption rate and latest developments of EtherCAT, we will present an exclusive EtherCAT event in Helsinki! Please register online today, as the number of seats is limited.
This seminar is supported by Beckhoff Automation Oy. Thanks to the sponsoring company there is no participation charge.

EtherCAT Seminar Series Denmark 2019
10/2019 | You are invited! ETG will visit Denmark again with an exclusive and free-of-charge EtherCAT breakfast seminar series in Aarhus (Nov 12), Roskilde (Nov 13) and Odense (Nov 14) this year.Learn about the benefits and advantages of using EtherCAT. Acquire knowledge about hot topics like the digital transformation, including TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), Industrie 4.0, IoT as well as latest technology enhancement, the brand-new EtherCAT G + G10. The official invitation flyer, seminar website and online registration is available, now. Sign up as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited!

Successful EtherCAT events in Japan
09/2019 | Recently, our German EtherCAT experts travelled to Japan once again to conduct several EtherCAT events together with the on-site ETG team. The ETG started with a Safety over EtherCAT seminar, followed by the annual EtherCAT Technology Update. The high number of participants showed the high interest of the Japanese in EtherCAT technology. Further highlight of the visit to Japan was the 2019 Japanese EtherCAT Plug Fest which took place in Yokohama, just like the other events, too. A total of 26 participants tested seven master and twelve field devices for interoperability within a network. The attendees explained to be highly motivated to further use this practical ETG support for EtherCAT device development in the future.Please visit the event section for upcoming events in Japan.

EtherCAT Seminar Series Sweden 2019
09/2019 | We invite all interested users, system integrators, OEMs and machine builders to participate in our upcoming half-day and free-of-charge seminar series in Sweden.Take advantage of these exclusive events to learn about the benefits and advantages of using EtherCAT. Acquire knowledge about hot topics like the digital transformation, including TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), Industrie 4.0, IoT as well as latest technology enhancement, the brand-new EtherCAT G.
The events will take place in Stockholm (Tuesday, October 22), Gothenburg (Wednesday, October 23) and Lund (Thursday, October 24).
This series of seminars is supported by Beckhoff Automation.
The official invitation flyer, seminar website and online registration is available, now. Sign up as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited!

EtherCAT serie de seminarios en Sudamérica 2019
09/2019 |ETG presenta una serie de seminarios EtherCAT gratuitos en Sudamérica, teniendo lugar en las siguientes fechas y ubicaciones: Oct 08 en Buenos Aires/Argentina, Oct 10 en Montevideo/Uruguay, Oct 15 en Lima/Perú y Oct 17/18 en Cali y Bogotá/Colombia. Le invitamos cordialmente a participar en estos eventos EtherCAT. Le animamos a que le cuente a sus colegas, clientes y socios locales sobre esta oportunidad excelente de aprender sobre EtherCAT, Industrie 4.0 y los desafíos de Industrial Ethernet.
Para ver la agenda y más detalles sobre la ubicación, por favor, haga clic aquí:
Sitio web del seminario Buenos Aires
Sitio web del seminario Montevideo
Sitio web del seminario Lima
Sitio web del seminario Cali
Sitio web del seminario Bogotá
Por favor encuentre su invitación personal aquí:
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Argentina (PDF)
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Uruguay (PDF)
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Perú (PDF)
Invitación Seminario EtherCAT Colombia (PDF)

ETG conducts first Safety over EtherCAT Plug Fest
07/2019 | The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) recently held its first Safety over EtherCAT Plug Fest with great success. Numerous manufacturers of EtherCAT safety master and slave devices came to Verl, Germany, to test the interoperability of their Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) devices and to exchange knowledge with the other participants and the experts on-site.
EtherCAT Information Day Seminars in North America
07/2019 | We are inviting everybody interested to the free-of-charge industrial Ethernet Seminar Series, continuing selected premium venues in Boston (July 23), Philadelphia (July 25) and Cleveland (July 30).Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies appear that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks. Experts' presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on the benefits of EtherCAT for you and your application, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0 and IoT. As the seminars are sponsored by Beckhoff Automation, participation is free of charge.
Please find the official invitation and seminar website with online registration form below:

EtherCAT Seminar Series Slovenia and Croatia 2019
06/2019 | We are very happy to invite everybody interested in the free-of-charge industrial Ethernet seminar series, taking place at selected premium venues in Ljubljana/ Slovenia on September 18th and in Zagreb/ Croatia on September 19th.Industrial Ethernet, and EtherCAT in particular, are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks.
Experts‘ presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanying table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits of EtherCAT and Industry 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, integrated safety, installation and diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well.
This seminar series is supported by BECKHOFF Automation and Krovel.
The links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.

Successful 2019 Spring European EtherCAT Plug Fest
05/2019 | Fifty-seven participants, eight countries, four continents – that’s the result of the latest EtherCAT Plug Fest, which was conducted by the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) in cooperation with acontis technologies GmbH in the middle of May in Ravensburg, Germany.Read full press release here.

EtherCAT Seminar Crailsheim, Germany
05/2019 | We cordially invite all interested in learning about the latest trends in industrial automation and especially EtherCAT to participate in our half-day EtherCAT Seminar in Crailsheim/Germany on June 5, 2019.Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks.
Experts‘ presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from Bausch+Ströbel, Beckhoff, KUKA and Schildknecht as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on the benefits of EtherCAT for you and your application. This includes the installation and diagnosis of EtherCAT networks as well. Other hot topics like Industrie 4.0, IoT, OPC and TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) will be covered in addition.
This seminar is supported by Beckhoff Automation. Participation is free of charge. Download your personal invitation (in German language) and register online already today!

EtherCAT Seminar Series Norway 2019
04/2019 | We are very happy to invite everybody interested in the free-of-charge industrial Ethernet seminar series, taking place at selected premium venues in Norway on June 11th (Stavanger), June 12th (Ålesund) and June 13th (Horten).Industrial Ethernet, and EtherCAT in particular, are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks.
Experts‘ presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, application presentations from the co-sponsoring ETG members, local application examples, the accompanying table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits of EtherCAT and Industry 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, integrated safety, installation and diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be handled as well.
This seminar series is supported by BECKHOFF Automation and FESTO.
The links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited!

EtherCAT Seminar Series in Poland 2019
04/2019 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0 & IoT and especially EtherCAT to participate in the inaugural EtherCAT seminars in Poland 2019, taking place in Katowice (May 28) and in Warsaw (May 29).Both full-day and free-of-charge events offer an exclusive opportunity to get access to EtherCAT technology in the Polish market and worldwide. Experts' presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanying table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with EtherCAT experts will provide you with a complete overview on the benefits of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! The events are supported by Beckhoff Automation Poland. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.
Please note that seminar website as well as invitation are available in Polish language only.
Seminar Website
Online Registration

Visit us: ETG booth @ SPS Italia 2019
04/2019 | SPS Italia is the leading trade show for the industrial automation and digitalisation in Italy, in its 9th consecutive year, for three days it involves all players of the supply chain: OEMs, end-users, distributors, system integrators, specialist press and universities.ETG is attending again with an info booth to show you the latest trends of Industrial Ethernet and developments of EtherCAT. Meet our italian speaking experts at the show in hall 5-M045!

ETG joint booth@ IAMD Beijing 2019
04/2019 | IAMD (Integrated Automation, Motion & Drives) Beijing tradeshow will hold in Beijing Exhibition Center on 8th-10th May 2019. Together with 22 co- exhibiting member companies, ETG joint booth located in hall 1-20 will show the great variety of products and solutions.Products on display are categorized into control systems, drives, I/O & gateways, development tools as well as sensors & actuators. Active demos showing 12.5μs cycle time, EtherCAT for Industry 4.0 and IoT, EtherCAT P as well as EtherCAT and TSN are the ETG booth highlights this year. The EtherCAT experts on-site together with our supporting ETG members will be available for technical discussions about EtherCAT and show the EtherCAT devices on the product walls during the whole tradeshow. ETG team China is looking forward to meet you at our ETG Joint Booth (Hall 1-20) in Beijing!

Visit us: ETG joint booth @ HANNNOVER MESSE 2019
03/2019 | We cordially invite you to visit us at HANNOVER MESSE, taking place April 1-5 in Hannover, Germany. Our ETG joint booth, located as usual in hall 9-D18, features an impressive variety of over 500 products and solutions from 62 co-exhibiting member companies.Products are grouped into control systems, development products, drive technology, I/O & gateways, sensors & actuators, safety, as well as EtherCAT P. Additionally, numerous live demonstrations show the different aspects of the EtherCAT technology, such as the new vendor-independent diagnostic interface, EtherCAT & TSN and Safety over EtherCAT.
Our EtherCAT experts on-site as well as our supporting ETG members will be available to answer your questions, show the EtherCAT devices on our product walls and inform you about the work of the group. Come to our booth and discover how EtherCAT can boost you application!

EtherCAT Information Day Seminars in North America
03/2019 |We are inviting everybody interested to the free-of-charge industrial Ethernet seminar series, taking place at selected premium venues throughout North America (both U.S. and Canada) in June, July and November 2019.
First seminars are scheduled for May 7 (San Diego, CA), May 9 (Los Angeles, CA), May 16 (Vancouver, BC) and May 29 (San Jose, CA). Future events will be held on July 23 (Boston, MA), July 25 (Philadelphia, PA), July 30 (Cleveland, OH) as well as on November 5 (Salt Lake City, UT), November 7 (St. Louis, MA), November 19 (Raleigh, NC) and November 21 (Toronto, ON).
Take the chance and become a part of those educational events about EtherCAT and industrial Ethernet delivered by our experts! During the events, participants learn about the benefits and challenges of industrial Ethernet, get the latest news and developments about EtherCAT as well as get the possibility to talk to EtherCAT experts face-to-face. Additionally, a table-top exhibition from the supporter side gives an impression of the variety of EtherCAT in practical use.
Beckhoff Automation is supporting these information days.
Please find the agenda, further detailed information and the online registration on the following links:
Website Agenda Speaker Venues Registration
Invitation flyer (PDF)

ETG @ embedded world 2019
02/2019 | We cordially invite you to visit us from February 26 to 28 at this year’s embedded world in Nuremberg, Germany. You will find us in hall 4, booth 266. Come and visit our enlarged booth and experience why EtherCAT is the best Industrial Ethernet technology available for embedded systems!Due to its system features EtherCAT is suited perfectly for the embedded market. The technology doesn’t need any switches or hubs and is the only hard real-time capable Industrial Ethernet technology which doesn’t require special hardware in the master. Additionally, the gross of the slave connection is integrated with cost-effective chips instead of stacks which also makes the slave implementation very simple.
A brand-new live demo showing the master-independent diagnosis interface will be one of the booth highlights this year. The TSN wall, an active Safety over EtherCAT demo as well as the special embedded demo round off our versatile tradeshow program. The EtherCAT experts on-site are looking forward to discussing questions about the technology and the special requirements in the field of embedded systems with all visitors.
Download your free ticket here: www.embedded-world.de/voucher (E-code: ew19web).

EtherCAT Roadshow in China 2019
02/2019 | Explore and understand EtherCAT technology and learn about the benefits and the challenges of Industrial Ethernet, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0, IoT and TSN. This seminar is an educational event delivered by EtherCAT professionals. Talk with the experts face-to-face, discover the product demonstrations from the co-sponsoring ETG companies and see how EtherCAT can accelerate your application! If you are a machine builder, OEM or system integrator, you are cordially invited to join us for a seminar in five locations throughout China.

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