2025/09/09 - 2025/09/10
Contents of the Workshop (subject to change)
First Day
- EtherCAT Basics
- SubDevice Structure
- Physical Layer
- Device Model
- Data Link Layer
- Frame Structure
- Addressing, Commands
- Memory, SyncManager, FMMUs
- Diagnosis
- Application Layer
- EtherCAT State Machine
- Mailbox (Mailbox Protocols)
- SubDevice Information Interface (EEPROM)
- Device Profiles
- Distributed Clocks
- EtherCAT SubDevice Information File (Device Description)
- Tools (Configuration Tool, Monitor, ...)
- EtherCAT MainDevice
- Standard & References
Second Day
- Hardware Design
- EtherCAT SubDevice Controller (ESC)
- Process Data Interface (PDI)
- EtherCAT MainDevice (TwinCAT incl. Real-time driver for EtherCAT)
- EtherCAT SubDevice (Digital I/O device)
- Configuration and Testing with EL9800 Evaluation Kit
- EtherCAT Slave Stack Code (SSC)
- Structure
- Protocol Handling
- Compilation and Debugging
- Network Monitoring
- Communication and Protocol Analysis
- Conformance Test Tool (CTT)
- Handling and Analysis
- EtherCAT SubDevice Information (ESI) file
Organizer: The workshop is offered by Beckhoff Automation LLC.
Prerequisites: Requires ETG membership and the Beckhoff EL98xx evaluation kit. If ordering EL9820 kit for class, order must be placed by Friday, August, 8***, 2025. Registration deadline for customer who have already completed and confirmed prerequisites is Friday, August 29, 2025.
***A Family License Agreement (FLA) with Beckhoff is needed to purchase development products like the EL9820. The agreement must be received by Beckhoff in paper form before the order can be fulfilled. If a FLA agreement Is not already in place when ordering you will receive the form from Beckhoff. Please allow 10 business days to process the FLA (including mailing to Beckhoff HQ in Verl, Germany).
Cost: $1200 per student seat, not including EL9820 evaluation kit.
Travel and lodging: To be arranged by student. Lunch will be provided on both days.
Please send your request for quote for the seats in the class and EL9820 evaluation kit directly to:
Beckhoff Automation, LLC
Register soon as the number of seats is limited to 30.
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Silicon Valley Technical Center
2665 N. First Street, Suite 310
San Jose, CA 95134, USA
Google Maps Link