wimcorp.co.krWIM Inc. is an integrated solutions service provider for Artificial Intelligence Robot production, capable of providing a One-Stop Service ranging from the creation and control of intelligent robots to building AI training datasets and producing learning models. WIM Inc. has built capabilities based on the following core technologies: WIM Inc. succeeded in developing the 'Integrated Control Module (W-Module),' integrating Artificial Intelligence, Robot control, and other device control functions instead of separate modules. In the latter half of this year, also has newly filed intellectual property rights for advanced W-Module technologies. Furthermore, leveraging this technology, WIM Inc. developed own AI robot, the 'Intelligent Waste Sorting Robot' obtaining testing certification from the Korea Testing Certification Authority (KOTCA) in the first half of this year. Also hold three intellectual property rights for the technologies related to its Sorting Robot production and currently have it deployed and operational in an actual recycling sorting facility. Recently, WIM Inc. built its own data processing platform for creating AI training datasets and officially launched it in October '23, offering both free and paid versions to individuals and businesses.